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One More Step Towards Personalized Learning: Suggested Resources for You

One of the main advantages of using new technologies in the field of education is personalized learning. This means that students can immerse themselves in a learning experience tailored to their specific interests and needs instead of strictly following “canned” courses that offer the same thing for all students. We know that when it comes to learning, one size certainly does not fit all.

So to help personalize your learning, we’ve created a Suggested Resources section.

GoConqr suggested resources feature

This is where you will find the GoConqr resources that best suit your own learning needs. These have been selected based on the personal information you have provided us.

See a resource that isn’t relevant to what you need right now? No problem, just remove it by simply clicking on the little “x” that appears in the top right corner. Once you’ve done this, a new suggested resource will pop up in its place.

How to select the Suggested Resources

To really customize your learning experience and ensure that the suggested resources will be of value, we’ve implemented a simple 3-step process in which we ask all members of our educational community to fill out some very basic information about their level of study and areas of interest. The more detail we have, the more relevant the suggested resources will be.

GoConqr suggested resources

This process is really simple and only takes a minute (literally), but it can make all the difference in ensuring you get the most from GoConqr.

As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts on our service, so if you have any questions or comments, please drop a line to support@goconqr.com or leave a message on our Facebook page.