70. Laughter Bonds People Together


Flashcards on 70. Laughter Bonds People Together , created by Natalie Carter on 09/03/2017.
Natalie Carter
Flashcards by Natalie Carter, updated more than 1 year ago
Natalie Carter
Created by Natalie Carter about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
All humans in all cultures _____. . Laugh.
Laughter is ? universal and contagious
Women laugh more than ___ as much as men. 2X
Someone who is speaking laughs ___ as much as someone as listening. Twice
When do people rarely laugh? People rarely laugh in the middle of a sentence.
What type of interaction has less of an opportunity for social bonding through laughing.? Most online interactions
People are more likely to laugh_____.. With others.
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