Operations of Integers


Mind Map on Operations of Integers, created by Meggie Kleveland on 22/08/2014.
Meggie Kleveland
Mind Map by Meggie Kleveland, updated more than 1 year ago
Meggie Kleveland
Created by Meggie Kleveland almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Operations of Integers
  1. Addition
    1. Same sign
      1. If the signs are the same, add normally and keep that sign.
        1. EXAMPLES:
          1. 5 + 7 = 12
            1. A tip for adding integers: It's like counting on a number line. When you add a positive, you go to the right. When you add a negative, you count to the left.
            2. -12 + -10 = -22
        2. Different Sign
          1. If the signs are different, subtract and take the sign from the bigger number.
            1. EXAMPLES:
              1. -25 + 30 = 5
                1. 4 + -18 = -14
          2. Subtraction
            1. Same Sign
              1. Add the opposite of the second term then follow the adding rules.
                1. EXAMPLES:
                  1. 76 - 70 = 6
                    1. -13 - (-5) = -8
                2. Different Sign
                  1. Add the opposite of the second term then follow the adding rules.
                    1. EXAMPLES:
                      1. -16 - (8) = -24
                        1. 20 - (-9) = 29
                  2. Multiplication
                    1. Same Sign
                      1. If the signs are the same, the answer is positive.
                        1. EXAMPLES:
                          1. 6 x 4 = 24
                            1. -7 x -8 = -56
                        2. Different Sign
                          1. If the signs are different, the answer is negative.
                            1. EXAMPLES:
                              1. -16 x 2 = -32
                                1. 3 x -11 = -33
                          2. Division
                            1. Same Sign
                              1. If the signs are the same,the answer is positive.
                                1. EXAMPLES:
                                  1. 35 ÷ 5 = 7
                                    1. -28 ÷ -2 = 14
                                2. Different Sign
                                  1. If the signs are different, the answer is negative.
                                    1. EXAMPLES:
                                      1. 45 ÷ -15 = -3
                                        1. -27 ÷ 3 = -9
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