Why did Tsarism survive between 1881-1905?


History AS (Russia) Mind Map on Why did Tsarism survive between 1881-1905?, created by Katie Difford on 15/04/2013.
Katie Difford
Mind Map by Katie Difford, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Difford
Created by Katie Difford about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Why did Tsarism survive between 1881-1905?
  1. Opposition
    1. There were only 4 main opposition groups
      1. Heavily targeted by the Okhrana
        1. The groups were split and so meant that they could easily be dispersed if caused any trouble
          1. Some groups supported the Tsar to a certain extent, e.g. Liberals
          2. Repression
            1. Okhrana - scared people into loyalty to the Tsar
              1. Autocracy society and so there was little movement for revolution, without being persecuted
                1. Increased central control where the Tsar exploited and demonstrated his authority
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