Paradise Lost Themes


Mind Map on Paradise Lost Themes, created by abl on 22/04/2013.
Mind Map by abl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abl about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Paradise Lost Themes
  1. Disobedience
    1. Satan to God
      1. Eve to Adam
        1. Adam and Eve to God
        2. Hierarchy
          1. God/Angels
            1. Adam superior to Eve
              1. Humans superior to animals
                1. Devil at the bottom
                2. Faith
                  1. Adam has true faith
                    1. Eve lacks/questions/tests her faith
                      1. Satan appears to have faith in himself
                      2. Deception
                        1. Satan self deception
                          1. Lies
                            1. Eve self deceipt
                            2. Love and Marriage
                              1. Sin
                                1. Corruption
                                  1. Lust
                                    1. Evil
                                      1. Death
                                      2. Freewill
                                        1. Power
                                          1. Knowledge
                                            1. Forbidden knowledge
                                              1. Rebellion
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