Antidepressant Drugs


Mind Map on Antidepressant Drugs, created by Angela Barnick on 13/12/2016.
Angela Barnick
Mind Map by Angela Barnick, updated more than 1 year ago
Angela Barnick
Created by Angela Barnick over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Antidepressant Drugs
  1. dopamine/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
    1. Bupropion
    2. norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
      1. Atomoxetine
      2. SSRI
        1. citalopram
          1. escitalopram
            1. fluoxetine
              1. paroxetine
                1. sertraline
                2. serotonin reuptake inhibiors
                  1. trazadone
                  2. SNRI
                    1. desvenlafaxine
                      1. duloxetine
                        1. venlafaxine
                        2. tricyclic
                          1. amitriptyline
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