Enterprise Architecture


Mind Map on Enterprise Architecture, created by d.rams on 13/05/2013.
Mind Map by d.rams, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by d.rams about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Enterprise Architecture
  1. Where it is applicable
    1. public/private sector organisation
      1. Entire business/corporation
        1. Part of a larger enterprise
          1. multiply outsourced business operation
          2. What is it?
            1. coherent whole of
              1. Principles
                1. Methods
                  1. Models
                    1. used in the design and realisation of
                      1. organisational structure
                        1. information systems
                          1. infrastructure
                      2. Why consider it
                        1. Information systems must keep pace with those changes
                        2. Key Concepts
                          1. Linking Business Goals with Information System
                            1. "as is" to the "to be"
                              1. Used to capture significant representations of the architecture
                                1. Used to enhance communication
                                2. EA Frameworks
                                  1. Zachman Framework
                                    1. Federal Enterprise Architecture Planning
                                      1. Enterprise Architecture Planning
                                        1. TOGAF
                                          1. Architecture Development Method (ADM)
                                        2. ADM Phases
                                          1. 1. Preliminary
                                            1. outling ''as-is" and "to-be
                                            2. 2. Business Architecture
                                              1. Business Strategy
                                                1. Governance
                                                  1. Organisation
                                                    1. Business Processes
                                                    2. 3. Data and Application Domains
                                                      1. Architecture of IT applications deployed
                                                      2. 4. Technology Architecture
                                                        1. Describes software and hardware capabilities
                                                        2. 5. Opportunities and Solutions
                                                          1. 5. Migration Planning
                                                            1. 6. Implementation Governance
                                                              1. 7. Architecture Change Management
                                                              2. Potential Pitfalls of EA modelling
                                                                1. Lack of senior managment commitment
                                                                  1. Lack of governance
                                                                    1. "Overscoping" the projects
                                                                      1. Failure to establish good communication mechanisms
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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