14 Reading and comprehending are two different things


User has deleted their subject information Note on 14 Reading and comprehending are two different things, created by Deleted user on 13/10/2017.
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steven moore
Created by steven moore over 6 years ago
steven moore
Copied by steven moore over 6 years ago
steven moore
Copied by steven moore over 6 years ago

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Can you read this? Eevn touhgh the wrosd ae srcmalbd cahnecs are taht you can raed tihs.  The order of the letters in each word is not very imortant. But the fist and last leter mustbe in the right position.

When you read you don't absorb exact letters and words and then interpret them later. You anticiopate what will come next. The more previos knowledge you have, the easier it is to antcicpate and interpret.

People use different parts of their brains o process words.

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