97. People are swayed by a dominant personality


Slide Set on 97. People are swayed by a dominant personality, created by Tiffany Griffith on 08/03/2017.
Tiffany Griffith
Slide Set by Tiffany Griffith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tiffany Griffith
Created by Tiffany Griffith about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    97. People Are Swayed By A Dominant Personality
    Why are people swayed by a dominant personality?Research has shown that in a group setting, the dominant personality in the group will be more likely to speak first. According to the research, 94% of the problems are solved with the dominant personality's answer because this was the first answer that the group received. 
    Caption: : photo from pixabay.com

Slide 2

    Notes to Consider:
    When designing with other people make sure that the first idea is not the final solution just because it was the first idea spoken. Before a group meeting, have each member of the group jot down any ideas they may have and pass those ideas along with one another so that each possible solution can be heard.
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