What is a Supply Chain Managment?


En esta cuartilla aparecen mis notas realizadas al ver el video adjunto y lo que entendí al respecto Nombre: Gisela Anahí Castillo Salazar Matricula: 1852951
gisela castillo
Note by gisela castillo, updated more than 1 year ago
gisela castillo
Created by gisela castillo over 4 years ago

Resource summary

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What is a Supply Chain Managment?

After watching the attached video titled "Module 1: What is Supply Chain Management? (ASU-WPC-SCM) - ASU's WP Carey School" I realized that most people when they hear about supply chain management first that comes to mind is only packaging, transportation and distribution, but the content of the video shows us that there are many things involved, more than we can imagine. Among these aspects it is mentioned that the size of the container, the quantity that fits in the packaging and the size of the packaging, its production, the search for the most viable materials, the cost of the product, the labels, the necessary conditions such as refrigeration, necessary appliances for storage, required services such as electricity, water or gas, the price of transportation to the places requested, payment to the workers involved, the use of basic supplies in the campus, suppliers, monitoring defective products, customer service, among many other things.

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