Personality traits


3º de ESO Inglés Note on Personality traits, created by Paula Jiménez on 16/05/2024.
Paula Jiménez
Note by Paula Jiménez, updated 3 months ago
Paula Jiménez
Created by Paula Jiménez 5 months ago

Resource summary

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Positive adjectives

Active: Loves doing sports and being physicially energetic. Admirable: Deserving of respect. Adventurous: Loves taking risks and trying new things.  Brilliant: Very clever. Calm: Doesn't show nervousness or anger.  Caring: Concerned for other people.  Charismatic: Shows charm and inspires other people.  Charming: Very pleasant or attractive.  Confident: Shows faith in themselves.  Courageous: Brave.  Creative: Uses imagination and original ideas.  Curious: Wants to know or learn something.  Disciplined: Shows a controlled behaviour to do something.  Empathetic: Understands other people's feelings and situations.  Extrovert: Likes being with other people and talking a lot.  Friendly: Kind and pleasant.  Generous: Shares their things with other people.  Hard-working: Works with energy and commitment.  Honest: Doesn't tell lies.  Kind: Thinks about other people's feelings.  Loyal: Supports other people and stays with them.  Optimistic: Thinks about the positive side of life.  Peaceful: Not involving violence.  Reliable: Trusting.  Skillful: Competent. 

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Negative adjectives

Angry: Showing annoyance and hostility.  Anxious: Showing worry and nervousness. Arrogant: Having and exaggerated sense of one's abilities.  Careless: Not avoiding harms or errors.  Childish: Acting like a kid.  Confused: Unable to think clearly.  Coward: Doesn't show bravery.  Cruel: Unkind and unpleasant.  Deceitful: Tells lies.  Dishonest: Tells lies.  Disloyal: Doens't support other people nor stays with them.  Egocentric: Thinking only about oneself.  Envious: Jealous of someone.  Impatient: Being quickly irritated.  Insecure: Lack of confidence.  Irascible: Showing annoyance and hostility fast.  Irresponsible: Lack of responsibility.  Melancholic: Sad.  Moody: Unpredictable changes of mood.  Naive: Lack of experience.  Negativistic: Thinks about the negative side of life.  Ridiculous: Absurd.  Selfish: Lack of consideration for other people.  Shy: Nervous or timid.  Uncreative: Doesn't use imagination or original ideas. 

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