Adjectives + prepositions


diciembre Inglés Note on Adjectives + prepositions, created by Noelia ST on 29/11/2015.
Noelia ST
Note by Noelia ST, updated more than 1 year ago
Noelia ST
Created by Noelia ST almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Terrified of --> I'm terrified of flying Aware of --> I'm not aware of any dangers for travellers in my countryFond of --> I grew very fond of the people I met on holidaySick of --> I'm sick of wasting time at airports because of delays or cancellationsFascinated by --> I'm fascinated by other culturesShocked by --> I'm shocked by how little some people know about my countryImpressed by --> I was impressed by the facilities at the last hotel I stayed inExcited about --> I always get excited about travelling to new places Sure about --> I'm not sure about the need for so many Satisfied with --> I'm usually satisfied with the serviceDisappointed in --> I was quite disappointed in the last place I went to on holidayFamous for --> My country is famous for its historical buildings

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