Week 3


Test 1 Memory Quiz on Week 3, created by leticia_haddad_g on 08/04/2016.
Quiz by leticia_haddad_g, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leticia_haddad_g almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Con qué se relaciona la WMC? Se relaciona con el performance de higher-order cognitive tasks (reading comprehension, complex learning and reasoning).
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Hay una variedad de tasks que sirven para predict el performance de muchas cognitive tasks. Hay diferentes maneras de medir estas tasks. Selecciona las correctas
  • Estas tasks tienen que permitir que el sujeto sea capaz de poder concentrar y enfocar su atención al cien por ciento en una sola task.
  • Estas tasks también tienen que involve some fundamental aspect of cognition, because performance on them predicts performance on a wide range of higher-order cognitive tasks.
  • En estas pruebas los sujetos reciben items que tienen que recall y al mismo tiempo tienen que perform otra task que sea attention-demanding. Esta attention-demanding task tiene que ser interleaved between receiving the items for recall.

Question 3

Capacity = limited number of items or chunks that can be stored. WM is about memory. WMC is about = using attention to maintain or suppress information. Greater WMC = more items can be maintained as active, greater ability to control attention, not a larger memory store.
  • True
  • False

Question 4

Qué es proactive interference?
  • La dificultad que people encounter cuando un comportamiento nuevo es asociado con un contexto asociado con otros comportamientos. Por ejemplo, cuando te estacionas en el primer centro comercial no tienes problemas, pero si ya fuiste a varios centros comerciales vas a tener problemas encontrando tu coche. Lidiar con estos problemas de proactive interference es una de las principales funciones de la STM.
  • La dificultad que people encounter cuando un comportamiento nuevo es asociado con un contexto asociado con otros comportamientos. Por ejemplo, cuando te estacionas en el primer centro comercial no tienes problemas, pero si ya fuiste a varios centros comerciales vas a tener problemas encontrando tu coche. Lidiar con estos problemas de proactive interference es una de las principales funciones de la WMC.

Question 5

Qué diferencias encontraron en el experimento de proactive interference? 1.) High-span subjects' performance decreased under cognitive load (HWMC). 2.) Low-span subjects' performance was unaffected by load (LWMC).
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Diferencias entre STM y WMC
  • WMC: related to memory processes, executive attention and performance on other cognitive tasks. STM: related to primarily memory processes such as grouping, chunking, and rehearsal.
  • WMC: related to primarily memory processes such as grouping, chunking, and rehearsal. STM: related to memory processes, executive attention and performance on other cognitive tasks.

Question 7

In the experiment: Low spans were: - hurt more than high spans. - substantially slower to identify the letters than high-span subjects were. - more likely to follow the natural tendency to look in the direction of the cue than were high-span subjects.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

La WMC refleja conocimiento específico de las span tasks o en la que los pertinentes attentional resources are domain specific.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Cuál es la stroop task y qué resultados fueron obtenidos en este experimento?
  • Stropp task es en la que escribes colores y la tinta puede ser congruente o incongruente con el color que escribiste.
  • % of error did not differ for high-and-los-WM subjects in the 0% or 50% congruent conditions.
  • 75% congruent trials, errors, did not differ for high-and-los-WM subjects.
  • % of error did differ for high-and-los-WM subjects in the 0% or 50% congruent conditions.
  • 75% congruent trials, low-span subjects made almost as twice errors as people with high-spans.

Question 10

La dichotic-listening task mide la habilidad de una persona de repetir en voz alta las palabras que le presentan en un oído y al mismo tiempo tiene que ignorar la información que se le presenta en el otro oído. Las personas con LWMc van a ser peores que los HWMC ignorando o bloquear las distracciones.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

La WMC está relacionada con general fluid intelligence y executive attention.
  • True
  • False

Question 12

Qué es el modal model? - assumes that information comes in from the environment and is processed first by a parallel series of brief temporary sensory memory system, flows into the short-term store also acting as working memory, responsible for the selecting and operating strategies, for rehearsal and generally serving as a global workspace.
  • True
  • False

Question 13

A qué se refieren los levels of processing? A que aprender depende de la manera en la que el material es procesado.
  • True
  • False

Question 14

Qué es una phonological loop? - is assumed to be specialized for holding sequences of acoustic or speech-based items. - basically a model of verbal STM. - increases span by two or three items on the rather artificial task of repeating back numbers.
  • True
  • False

Question 15

Qué es una visto-spatial sketchpad? Baddeley & Hitch - function for visually and/or spatially encoded items and arrays. - controlled by the central executive.
  • True
  • False

Question 16

Qué es el central executive? An attentional limited system that selects and manipulates material in the subsystems, serving as a controller that runs the whole show. - controlador de atención. - dos maneras de controlar: 1.) automática = basada en hábitos existentes. 2.) depends on an attentionally limited executive. - dividing attention between two or more tasks. - is requieren if attention has to be switched between two or more tasks.
  • True
  • False

Question 17

A qué se refiere el semantic coding? Processing an item in terms of its meaning, hence relating it to other information in long-term memory.
  • True
  • False

Question 18

Qué es la nonword repetition? Es un test en el que se dan pseudo words a los participantes y poco a poco incrementan su longitud. Los participantes las escuchan y las tienen que repetir. - este test se usa mucho para diagnosticar dislexia.
  • True
  • False

Question 19

Qué es la phonological awareness? La habilidad que tenemos de reflect on spoken stimuli.
  • True
  • False

Question 20

El psicólogo uso Alexander Romanovitch Luria fue el que desarrolló un método para influenciar el lenguaje on the control of acción. Como en las que tienes que memorizar palabras y al mismo tiempo hacer una operación matemática.
  • True
  • False

Question 21

Las personas con vivid imagery tiene mejores recuerdos.
  • True
  • False

Question 22

Qué es el supervisory attentional system (SAS)? - attentional control of action. - assumed to depend heavily on the frontal lobes. - able to intervene, either in favor of one or other of the competing options or else to activate strategies for seeking alternative solutions. - in the absence of control from the SAS, the patient simply reverts to habit-based control, responding automatically to any cues.
  • True
  • False

Question 23

Qué es una confabulation? A recollection of something that did not happen.
  • True
  • False

Question 24

Qué es un episodic buffer? - a storage system that can hold about four chunks of information in a multidimensional code. - multidimensional code, allowing the various subcomponents of working memory to interact with long-term memory.
  • True
  • False

Question 25

Qué es binding? - linking of features into objects or of events into coherent episodes. - binding suggests that information can access the buffer direct from the visa-spatial and phonological subsystems and from LTM.
  • True
  • False

Question 26

Engle es un autor muy importante relacionado con la Working Memory!!!
  • True
  • False

Question 27

A qué se refiere el term inhibition y cómo puede ayudarnos en diferentes actividades? - Mechanisms to suppress other activities. - por ejemplo, proactive interference = tendency for earlier items to compete at retrieval with the to be recalled. If the same category is used for several successive lists, this leads to poorer recall of later lists. - interference effect proved to be reliably greater in low working memory span participants, significa que tienen menos capacidad de inhibition.
  • True
  • False

Question 28

Para qué sirve la high WMC? - helps resistance to distractors. - distractors are similar to targets, higher working memory capacity is needed to resist capture. - evoked response potential (ERP) = is used to study resistance to distracting stimuli.
  • True
  • False

Question 29

Cuáles son las dos diferencias individuales que podemos encontrar en la working memory?
  • 1.) Primary component: dynamic attentional capacity for the temporary maintenance of items and is reflected in the recency effect in free recall of word lists. 2.) Secondary component: involves the capacity for cue-dependent search in LTM.
  • 1.) Primary component: involves the capacity for cue-dependent search in LTM. 2.) Secondary component: dynamic attentional capacity for the temporary maintenance of items and is reflected in the recency effect in free recall of word lists.

Question 30

Cuál es la diferencia entre declarative WM, procedural WM, resource sharing y task switching?
  • Declarative WM = the underlying processes. Procedural WM = aspects of which we are aware. Resource sharing = use of limited attentional capacity to maintain 2 or more simultaneous activities. Task switching = limited capacity system maintains activity on two or more tasks by switching between them.
  • Declarative WM = aspects of which we are aware. Procedural WM = the underlying processes. Resource sharing = use of limited attentional capacity to maintain 2 or more simultaneous activities. Task switching = limited capacity system maintains activity on two or more tasks by switching between them.
  • Declarative WM = Procedural WM = Resource sharing = limited capacity system maintains activity on two or more tasks by switching between them. Task switching = use of limited attentional capacity to maintain 2 or more simultaneous activities.

Question 31

Cuál es la diferencia entre spatial working memory y object memory?
  • Spatial working memory = system involved in temporarily retaining information regarding spatial location. Object memory = system that temporarily retains information concerning visual features as colors and shapes.
  • Spatial working memory = system that temporarily retains information concerning visual features as colors and shapes. Object memory = system involved in temporarily retaining information regarding spatial location.

Question 32

Working memory depends heavily on LTM. Working memory is a crucial link between cognition and action.
  • True
  • False

Question 33

La semantic memory es un individual's store of knowledge about the world. The content of semantic memory is abstracted from actual experience and is therefore said to be conceptual. Generalmente tenemos más información en la semantic memory.
  • True
  • False

Question 34

Cuál es la diferencia entre episodic memory y semantic memory? Retrograde amnesia = where someone is unable to recall events that occurred before the development of the amnesia, even though they may be able to encode and memorize new things that occur after the onset.
  • Episodic memory = "self-knowing" - retrograde amnesia puede dañar varios años de esta memoria. Semantic memory = "knowing awareness" - retrograde amnesia prácticamente no afecta esta memoria.
  • Episodic memory ="knowing awareness" - retrograde amnesia prácticamente no afecta esta memoria. Semantic memory = "self-knowing" - retrograde amnesia puede dañar varios años de esta memoria.

Question 35

Semantic dementia is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by GRADUAL DETERIORATION OF SEMANTIC MEMORY. - patients with semantic dementia find it very hard to access information about most concepts stored in semantic memory.
  • True
  • False

Question 36

Podemos usar información sensorial y perceptiva para recall recent y remote autobiographical memories.
  • True
  • False

Question 37

McClosky & Glucksberg. Verheyen & Storms. - Muchas long-term memories consisten de una mezcla de episodic y semantic memory. - Antes se creía que la memoria semántica está organizada en redes jerárquicas, pero eso sería muy INFLEXIBLE. - Many concepts in semantic memory are fuzzy rather than neat and tidy (como decían lo de las jerarquías). - Semantic memory is organized on the basis of semantic relatedness or semantic distance. - AMBIGUITY = individuals may use different criteria for categorization. - VAGUENESS = individuals may use different cut-offs to separate members form nonmembers.
  • True
  • False

Question 38

Eysenck, Collins & Quillian están muy relacionados con la memoria semántica.
  • True
  • False

Question 39

Qué es el typicality effect? The time taken to decide a category member belongs to a category is less for typical than atypical members. - when familiarity was controlled, hierarchical distance between the subject and the property had little effect on verification time. - verification times were faster for more typical or representative members of a category.
  • True
  • False

Question 40

Qué dice la teoría de producción del lenguaje y por quién fue creada? - Fue creada por Dell. - according to this theory, when we plan an utterance (pronunciación, declaración), this leads to activation of several of the sounds in the intended sentence before we start to speak.
  • True
  • False

Question 41

- Categorization at the basic level is generally more informative than at the superordinate level and so requieres more information processing. - Subordinate categories are much more informative for experts. - Expertise is necessary for categorization at the subordinate level to occur fastest.
  • True
  • False

Question 42

- Concept processing can have a perceptual or imaginal quality about it. - Object qualities not visible if you were actually looking at the object are harder to think of than those that would be visible. - Conceptual representations of objects include situational information. - Situational information is important in object categorization.
  • True
  • False

Question 43

- Different kinds of information about a given object are stored in different brain locations. - Emotionally positive stimuli elicit approach. - Emotionally negative stimuli elicit avoidance. - Individuals respond faster to positive attract stimuli.
  • True
  • False

Question 44

Category-specific deficits = problems with specific categories of objects.
  • True
  • False

Question 45

Much of the knowledge we have stored in semantic memory consists of larger structures of information. Qué tipos schemas existen? Schema = well-integrated chunk of knowledge about the world, event, people or actions. Schematic knowledge in the form of scripts is useful because it allows us to form realistic expectations. Two major types of information in semantic memory: 1.) Abstract - concepts generally corresponding to individual words. 2.) Broader and more flexible organizational structures based on schemas and scripts.
  • Script = a type of schema in which information about objects and their properties is stored. Knowledge structures referring to some aspect of the world. Frame = a type of schema relating to the typical sequences of events in various common situations. Deal with knowledge about events and consequences of event. Stereotypes = schemas involving simplified generalizations about various groups.
  • Script = a type of schema relating to the typical sequences of events in various common situations. Deal with knowledge about events and consequences of event. Frame = a type of schema in which information about objects and their properties is stored. Knowledge structures referring to some aspect of the world. Stereotypes = schemas involving simplified generalizations about various groups.

Question 46

Bartlett Rationalization = tendency in story recall to produce errors conforming to the rememberer's cultural expectations. - memory for stories is affected not only by the presented story itself but also by the participant's store of relevant schematic knowledge.
  • True
  • False

Question 47

Ecological validity = applicability to everyday life.
  • True
  • False

Question 48

Qué es el von Restorff effect? Effect in which information distinctive in a given context attracts attention and is well remembered.
  • True
  • False
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