Unit 9: Feeling blue or tickled pink Public

Unit 9: Feeling blue or tickled pink

Azucena Pascual Ruiz
Course by Azucena Pascual Ruiz, updated more than 1 year ago Contributors


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QUESTIONNAIRE ABOUT PERSONAL FEELINGS This is just to know more about you as a group of teenagers.  All the answers will be very welcome, but feel free to omit those that you prefer not to respond to. Thank you for your collaboration! 1. Think of some situations that make you angry. 2. Do you feel supported by the people around you? 3. Have you ever felt lonely? When and why? 4. Would you like to be the best at something? Do you think you are the worst at something? 5. Have you ever needed advice? Did you get it or not? Explain some situations. 6. Do you cry when nobody sees you? 7. What kind of things make you feel better when you feel sad? 8. Do you need to be loved? Are you an affectionate person?  9. Do you look happy when you really feel sad or don’t you hide your negative feelings?  10. Do you need your family or friends to tell you that everything will work fine?  11. Why do we sometimes want to grow up quickly when we are still children?
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Annoyance: Oy!; Hey!; Hmph! Dissatisfaction: Aah; Damn!; Blast! Panic: Uh-ho; Eek!; Aargh! Boredom: Ho hum; Sigh. Doubt: Er; Really?; Um. Pleasure: Mmm; Yeah; Oh, yeah.                     Disapproval: Tsk tsk; Tut. Embarrassment: Ahem. Realization: Aha!; Ah; Eureka. Disgust: Ew; Yuk! Joy: Hurrah!; Yay!; Woo-hoo. Relief: Phew; Whoa. Dismay: Oh, no; Oops. Pain: Ouch!; Ow!; Aya! Surprise: Oh!; Jeepers!; Crikey!
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Practice wishes and regrets on Kahoot!: https://create.kahoot.it/share/wishes-and-regrets/bd5100d7-5c6f-4da3-97fa-393c201bdf2c
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MOTIVATIONAL ARTICLE IN AN E-MAGAZINE In life we usually pass through difficult moments, but this is not the end of the world. Maybe you have ever felt sad or struggled with bad feelings, so think of the next sentences to write an article for an electronic magazine to motivate young people who are coping with problems. Your essay will be assessed, so do not forget to include all the requirements. In this writing you have to talk about a bad moment (yours or someone else´s or invented) and give reasons to understand that life is worth living. Follow the next structure: Introduction of the negative situation. Explanations of the problems and how to solve them. Establishment of objectives in life. Wishes and regrets. Conclusion: The importance of recognising the problems and understanding that life is worth living. Use of connectors. Informal language. 130-150 words. E-ZINE: There is no challenge you cannot reach Your advice is very important. Try to help other people. Have you ever experienced a situation in which you thought everything was over? How did you overcome the problems? If it is not your case, do you know someone who is going through a rough patch? Try to motivate people to be happy in life. All the articles published in this magazine are very useful. Don´t forget: Life is worth living!
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ACROSS 3. the organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community. 6. a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. 7. an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law. 9. intense dislike. 11. the period between childhood and adult age. 13. the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.    15. a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action. DOWN 1. a process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke; combustion or burning. 2. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. / all the descendants of a common ancestor. 4. treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly. / cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal. 5. communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting. TELE… 7. a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.
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