Williams Week 13 Assignment 2


For Dual History
D'Angelo Williams
Flussdiagramm von D'Angelo Williams, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
D'Angelo Williams
Erstellt von D'Angelo Williams vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Contributors to Sectionalism Timeline
  • Constitution (1789) It failed to include all men at the time which created an issue between enslaved individuals, women, and those men supported by the constitution.
  • The Second Great Awakening (Begins in 1790) It created division between traditionalist who insisted on continuing the importance of ritual and those wanting to be apart of the awakening.
  • Haitian Revolt (1791-1804) It was the first time a black dominant society led a revolt for change against white men.
  • Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin (1793) It led to a economic divide between the North and South economies.
  • End of the International Slave Trade (1808) It led to the end of importing more slaves which the North supported but the South did not.
  • Missouri crisis (1819-1820) It alerted an imbalance between free and slave states.
  • Cotton Revolution Begins (1820) The North still does not agree with slavery but is benefitting from the overload of cotton growth while not agreeing wih slaves.
  • Vesey Revolt (1822) Created an uprising and divide between the churches by Vesey being active and gaining members for his church who as a whole was against slavery.
  • Nat Turner rebellion (August 21-23, 1831) It was a sign of the underlying discontent of slavery; nevertheless, it inevitably tightened slave codes.  
  • Mexican American War (1846-1848) The Mexican Cession was gained from this and the North did not want any of the states to be slave states which caused more tension from refusal.
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 (1850) It declared that all runaway slaves be brought back to their masters. This law is clearly an act of sectionalism.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin (March 20, 1852) This  anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe, depicts the reality of slavery. The south took the book as a threat to the south as a whole
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) It had the effect of repealing the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and they could whether they would allow slavery within each territory.
  • Dred Scott case (1857) The previous Missouri Compromise was ruled unconstitutional which alerted most that slavery may be as well.
  • Harper's Ferry Raid (1859) It was an act of the abolotionist who were against slavery.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter (April 12-14 1861) It was the first shot that started thwe Civil War and the journey to end sectiontionalism.
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