47, Danger, Food, Sex, Movement, Faces, and Stories get the most attention


Flussdiagramm am 47, Danger, Food, Sex, Movement, Faces, and Stories get the most attention, erstellt von Hao Le am 05/04/2018.
Hao Le
Flussdiagramm von Hao Le, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hao Le
Erstellt von Hao Le vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Why people can't resist paying attention to food, sex, and danger?
  • You have three brains
  • You can't resist with food, sex, and danger
  • The Mid-brain: The process emotions part
  • The New Brain: conscious, reasoning, logical brain that you think you know the best
  • The Old Brain: Survival part
  • Your attention is riveted by pictures of people
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