Neonatal Cholestasis


- Pediatric Flussdiagramm am Neonatal Cholestasis, erstellt von Ali Almudarsy am 23/09/2018.
Ali Almudarsy
Flussdiagramm von Ali Almudarsy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ali Almudarsy
Erstellt von Ali Almudarsy vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Neonatal cholestis
  • any baby with end 1st month of life suffering from cholestatic J. must be evaluate for Biliary atresia to do surgical intervention  before 2nd month  ///to avoid cirrhosis , ascending cholangitis
  • intra-hepatic  disease
  • Extra-hepatic disease
  • hepatocyte injury 
  • intra-hepatic bile duct disease 
  • Metabolic diseases
  • viral disease
  • idiopathic neonatal hepatitis
  • intrhepatic bile duct paucity or hypoplasia
  • Extra-hepatic biliary atresia & disease
  • kasai procedure is the choice
  • 1-persistent acholic stool. 2-persistent bile stained fluid after duodenal intubation  against Dx.
  • 1-normal  color stool with transient acholic stool 2-Duodenal intubation :-fluid is bile stained          
  • 3-liver scan =sluggish uptake & fair excretion  4-liver biopsy =the most reliable discriminatory  test larged 
  • 3-liver scan=good uptake BUT no excretion.  4-liver biopsy  & Exploratory laparotomy 
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