Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- 1952
European Coal and Steel Community
- 1957
European Economic Community (ECC)
-> Customs Union
- 1957
European Atomic Energy Community
- Increas in spheres of activity
- European Community
- European Union
(1992 Treaty of Maastricht)
- Treaty of Lisbon 2007
(European Constitution)
in force 2010
- Pillar 3
Co-operation in judicial and criminal matters
- Pillar 1
European Community
- Pillar 2
Foreign and security policy
- 2005: Rejection of European Constitution
- Change of pillar structure:
Instead of EC two new treaties
- Treaty on the functiong of the European Union (TFEU):
1. + 3. pillar
- Treaty on the European Union (TEU):
2. pillar
- General principles of European Union law
- art. 2-6 TFEU:
made by European Commision, Council of Ministers + EU Parliament
- Measures, recommendations + opinions
288 TFEU
- general rules directly applicable
- can be called upon in nat lawsuits
- objectives for nat authorities
- way of implementation up to member state
- not directly applicable, time limit
- Binding in their entirety
- But only to whom are addressed (state, firm, indiv.)
- Van Gend en Loos (1963, 26/62)
- Costa v ENEL (1964, 6/64)
- Simmenthal (1978, 106/77)
- intl law for benefit, states limited sovereignty
- treaty based law> nat law
- Difference direct effect and applicability
- Political importance case law
- "A national court (...) should not apply conflicting national
legislation, even in situations where it was adopted after
joining the EEC; (...)"
- European Council
art 15 TEU
- European Commission art 17 TEU
- Council of the European Union (Ministers) art 16 TEU
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- European Parliament art 14 TEU
- Heads of State + president of commission
- plays decisive role in evolution of EU
- main decision-making institution
- Decides normally by qualified majority art 16 (3) TEU
- Parliamentary approval of the body
- Executive of EU: initiates EU legislation + guardian of treaties
- relationship EU and nat law
- European citizenship 20 TFEU
- Internal market 3(3) TEU jo. 26(2) TFEU
- Sincere cooperation 4(3) TEU
- free movement of goods 28-38 TFEU
- Free movement of persons 45+49 TFEU
- Freedom to provide services 56 TFEU
- freedom of capital 63 TFEU
- lex specialis against discrimination 2+3 TEU, 19 TFEU
- CJEU: direct<->indirect discrimination
- require european cross-border dimension
- CJEU: 45 TFEU has direct effect, but only CJEU can interpret term "worker"
- provides services for and under the direction of another
- work is real and genuine and not purely marginal and acillary
- NB: Remuneration below minimum wage, retired worker, family. 'quasi-worker', social advantages? Check Schuetze
- rules on competition 101-106 TFEU
- Dismantling varoius trade barriers:
- Quantitative restrictions 34-36 TFEU
- Schuman initiative,
Treaty of Paris
- opportunity to make nat regulation fit into legal system
- general interests of Union
16 Section 4 TEU
- approves annual budget 314 TFEU
- preliminary rulings on TEU + TFEU
advice nat on interpretations
- review legality of legal acts of EU institutions
- opinion then communicated to council
- approves of parliaments position
16 Section 4 TEU
- economic benefits decrease likelihood of war
- Cassis de Dijon (CJEU Case C-120/78)
- legal subjects can derive rights from EU law
- legal basis:
EU has only power in areas where power is transferred to by nat
- nat perform tasks if they can do it better
- EU only acts if:
- measure is suitable
- is necessary
- measures less worse than problems
- Below minimum wage?
Levin v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie
- workers allowed to be paid less than minimum wage
- thus, part-time workers also workers under article
- Lair case: Workers still enjoy worker's rights after employment, during search of employment
- NB: some continuity between the previous occupational activity and the course of study required
- Job Seekers included, but what time period? Antonissen case: 6 months reasonable
- job seeking can be continued after time period, if evidence for continuing job seeking is provided
- indirect and direct forbidden, despite of objective justification
- same social and tax advantages
- non-discriminatory restrictions
- Bosman: football club case: Still falls under the scope of art 45
- Justifying restriction on the (self-)employed
- on grounds of public policy, public security or public health
- not on basis of nationality!
- constitutional principles, Gebhard:
- non-discriminatory manner
- justified by imperative requirements
- only access to, but not positioning!