Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Aspects that affect ESL learning on Guatemalan Students
- Guatemalan students that receive ESL is the people that most of the times live or migrate to urban communities.
- The country is located between countries that also speak Spanish (Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras ans Belize).
Rainy season affects location to go to school or language academies.
- Aditional to Spanish; Some Mayan languages are: Mam, Kaq'chickel, quiché, poco mam.
- Indigenans and ladinos (the largest races) are in conflict. Ladinos don't feel identified with indigenans, neither the other way around.
- Social classes and stratification come since colonial times. Indigenans are more accepted if they have superior education.
- Even though women are more recesive and from domestic work, they are looking for opportunities for their children.
- Indigenans still wear their traditional dresscode assigned to them over 200 years ago.
- https://geology.com/world/guatemala-satellite-image.shtml