Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- According to the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MinTIC) and promotes Colombia, digital transformation is related to the use and appropriation of information technologies that, combined with leadership capacity and organizational change, improve or radically change the performance and business model of companies
- It allows to optimize production processes and make them more competitive to find more markets and to better serve customers.
- It allows us to wonder how, through technology, we can serve the citizen more”
- Definition of the problem of digital transformation in Colombian companies
- Colombia must first make sure to eliminate or, at least reduce the gaps in digital access, promote laws that promote this transformation, help companies move through it and encourage the education of children and adolescents for creativity, innovation and leadership
- Causes of the problem of digital transformation in Colombian companies
Lack of digital culture.
Lack of mentality.
Lack of a clear business model.
The increasing amount of information.
Lack of appropriate technologies to work at business speed.
Concern for privacy and data security.
Lack of leadership.
Lack of human capital.
Fear of innovation.
- Face the challenges facing digital transformation
- Consequences of the problem of digital transformation in Colombian companies
The transformation must be focused on the client's needs, not on the product.
Technology by itself is not enough without a work strategy and application.
Change must be initiated from training to all staff and a constant update
Offer differentiating, new and innovative experiences to your customers through the technological channels used.
Interpret the data for decision making total approach to being competitive in this changeable industry.
Know and understand the available technologies always innovating.
- Student's name; Edgar Alexander Garzón García
Date: 02-29-2020
Group Number: (212032A_761)