Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Evaluation of Localisation of Function
- Phineas Cage- Metal Rod through head
- Went through prefrontal cortex an area responsible for personality.
- Accounts say his personality changed after the accident supporting LOF.
- HOWEVER, very individual case study so can't be generalised
- Study suffers from temporal validity issues because the research is based on sketchy accounts
- Research into the effects of removal of brain matter would have on a rats ability to remember a maze pattern
- Learning is too complicated and requires the involvement of the whole brain
- HOWEVER, rats brains are biologically different from humans (less grey matter) therefore, research can't be generalised.
- Case studies of children born with only one hemisphere have shown that it is possible to function normal lives with only one half of the brain.
- This limits the theory that localisation can only occur in certain parts of the brain.