How to get away with murder


Flussdiagramm am How to get away with murder, erstellt von Juana Bonnemezon am 28/04/2017.
Juana Bonnemezon
Flussdiagramm von Juana Bonnemezon, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Juana Bonnemezon
Erstellt von Juana Bonnemezon vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • How to get away with murder: 
  • American drama television series 
  • Season 1: episode 2 
  • How does the case flow?
  • It's all her fault
  • Producer(s) Scott Collins Tracy Bellomo Viola Davis (season 3) Cinematography Michael Price Jeff Jur Editor(s) David Greenspan Philip Carr Neel Julia Grove Matthew Ramsey
  • Summary:
  • Annalise takes on a new client. 
  •  Max St. Vincent, an eccentric millionaire who is the key suspect in his wife's brutal murder
  • Annalise challenges her students to prove he's innocent 
  •  Max St. Vincent is  blame for killing his second wife in their own bed.
  • Max’s daughter, Eloise, comes in to testify in court in favor of her father’s innocence 
  • It is revealed that her father’s first wife, Eloise’s mother, was also stabbed to death by Max
  • Annalise takes the students back to the scene of the murder for another look to find evidence that Max didn´t kill her wife.
  • Laurel finds out a clue and yells out, “He hunts!” to show that Max couldn’t have killed  his wife as he has knowledge in hunting. 
  • They take this information back to court
  • Max demonstrates how he kills animals and how he killed his first wife. The cuts the second wife endured didn’t match up to the calculated slices on his first wife, which leads to Max being proven innocent.
  • The case is closed, so it’s time for a celebration.
  • Turns out it was Eloise who did it in a fit of revenge against her father once she found out he murdered her mother.
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