Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- 3rd grader Ari is reading at grade level 1.5 according to your data
- you bring these benchmark results to your RtI2 coordinator
- Ari is placed in most intensive RtI2 reading group
- After 6 weeks, data shows Ari has improved
- After 6 weeks, data shows Ari has not improved
- You follow site process for convening SST
- What happens at the SST meeting? What is your role?
- Ari is not responding to interventions suggested by SST
- What is your role at the IEP meeting?
- Ari is NOT found by team to have a qualifying condition per federal guidelines and team decision; no IEP
- Ari is with you for most of the school day, but he will receive pull-out services daily for reading. How will you help implement this IEP? What are your legal responsibilities?
- Several follow up meetings held at regular intervals to review responses
- Ari is responding to general ed classroom interventions
- he will stay in your classroom and continue to receive adaptations and high-quality instruction
- You request in writing that Ari be tested for special ed eligibility
- Ari's parents sign consent for testing;Ari is assessed by team of specialists
- IEP team meets to review findings
- Ari is found to have a qualifying condition per strict federal guidelines and team decision
- Team data and observations suggest that Ari has a condition that significantly impedes his school performance; he has not responded to instruction + intervention, team suggests 504 plan be developed
- What will a 504 plan mean for Ari and for you?
- KEY TO PROCESSESRtI2 SST Special Ed eligibility504