Investments Öffentlich


Ben Wohlin
Kurs von Ben Wohlin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende




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Zero Rate is the rate of interest earned on an investment that provides a payoff at time T. We need zero rates to calculate 1) bond price 2) Par Yield When you calculate the cash price of a bond, we discount each cash flow at the appropriate zero rate for the time.  When a bond has a coupon, you divide it by the amount of periods you have.
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The par yield is the coupon rate that causes bond price to equal its face value. You would be asked to find the coupon rate with this formula: (c/m)e^-rt+...+ (100+c/m)e^-rt=100
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Conversion Formulas   Rc= m ln (1+Rm/m): To calculate Rc when Rm is known Rm= m(e^(Rc/m)-1): to calculate Rm when Rc is known   Rc= Continuously compounding rate Rm= same rate with compounding m times per year
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