English course - elementary Öffentlich

English course - elementary

Jéssica Bastos
Kurs von Jéssica Bastos, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende


Lessons and grammar.


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Verb be (verbo ser/estar). - Utilizamos o verbo to be para falar sobre quem somos ou como estamos. Subjects (sujeitos) I (eu)     am  (sou/estou) ---------------------------------------------- He (ele) She (ela)    is   (é/está) It (ele/ela) - coisas/objetos ----------------------------------------------- We (nós) You (vocês/ Você)    are (somos/estamos) They (eles/elas) ---------------------------------------------------- Examples (exemplos) I am happy to be home. – Eu estou feliz de estar em casa. She is a smart girl. – Ela é uma garota esperta. We are from France. – Nós somos da França. They are upset with her. – Eles estão chateados com ela. ----------------------------------------------------- Exercises (exercícios) 1 - He _______ hungry. 2- I _____ a student. 3- They _____ from Brazil. 4- She _____ beautiful. 5- It _____ warm today. 6- You _____ a teacher. https://wordwall.net/pt/resource/14524174/to-be/conversation-verb-to-be  
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Verb Be - Questions. - Para fazer perguntas no inglês é necessário trocar a posição do sujeito, sendo assim. Ex. (Simple questions)  Are / Is/ Am + Suj + restante da pergunta?        (Long questions) What/ Where/ Who/ How/ When / Why + are/ is/ am + suj + restante da pergunta? Are you married? Is she a student? What time is it? Who is that woman? Exercises. Write the questions. 1- (name) ___________________________________? 2- (married or single) __________________________________________? 3- (from) ________________________________________________? 4- (how old) _____________________________________________? 5- (job) __________________________________________________? Write short answers. 1- Are you married? _________________________________________ 2- Are you thirsty? ___________________________________________ 3- Is it cold today? ___________________________________________ 4- Are your hands cold? _____________________________________ 5- Is it dark now? ____________________________________________ 6- Are you a teacher? ________________________________________ https://wordwall.net/pt/resource/14524174/to-be/conversation-verb-to-be  
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Meeting and Greeting. Match the questions and answers that people use when they meet. 1. What’s your name?                           a. I’m from France. 2. How old are you?                              b. I’m fine, thanks. 3. Where are you from?                       c. My name is Marie Bernard. 4. How are you?                                    d. I’m twenty-two. https://www.linguahouse.com/esl-lesson-plans/general-english/meeting-and-greeting/audioplayer/meeting-and-greeting-amemp3 Listening Marie is in her English class. She meets another student. Listen to the conversation and number the questions in the order you hear them. Part 1 How are you? ______ How long are you staying here? ______ What’s your name? _______ Where are you from? _______ Would you like something to drink? _______ Part 2 Listen again and choose the correct information. 1. Luis is from France / Spain. 2. Marie lives in Paris / London. 3. Luis is staying for six weeks / months. 4. Marie is staying for one week / month. 5. The teacher says that class starts in ten / five minutes. 6. Marie and Luis decide to get something to eat / drink.
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Present Continuous. É tudo que está acontecendo neste momento. Há 3 regras aplicados na presente contínuo. 1 Rule Verbos até 2 silabas, que terminem com a letra “E” Make= ma- ke (making) Have – having 2 Rule Verbos até 1 silaba, que as três últimas letras sejam consoante, vogal e consoante. Run- Running Swim- Swimming Eat- eating 3 Rule Verbos até 1 silaba, que terminem com a letra “IE”, tirar o IE e colocar “YING” Lie – lying   Homework – Describe for me some actions that somebody is doing.
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Write short answers. 1- Are you watching TV? 2- Are you wearing a hat? 3- Are you eating bread? 4- Is it raining? 5- Are you sitting on the floor? 6- Are you feeling well?  
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