Artificial Intelligence Öffentlich

Artificial Intelligence

Fynder Enlil
Kurs von Fynder Enlil, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende


History and development of Artificial Intelligence Tools and resources for today and tomorrow


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Where should I start?But Why Here?You need this.then you can go on to,Further StudyBut what if I want more?What? Really? ... what?you want more?Ready for the Challenge?
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Links - ( You will need to sign up for a Glip Account )So once you have made a Facebook store, if you are in AI for business and BI.Create an account for Ecwid . *( Declaration; I am a partner and will receive a commission if you sign up over this link) Seek out your government website for "Setting Up A Business". I have given you the one for Australia as that is where I currently reside. Set Up an Ecwid Store and Facebook page where you want it. And Set up your favorite products. You should think if you are going into a business about "bread and butter" products, "Meat and Staples" and finally you top of the line products. Now Back to AI.Let's set up a bot for your store. Everyone else ( who is not in AI for business should rejoin us here )Read " I am trying to make something "follow the links to "Ever hear of a bot?" Sociology and Cultural studies students should read through the resources. Everyone Else Find the BotFactories and How we got here.
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" About OpenAIOpenAI is a non-profit AI research company, discovering and enacting the path to safeartificial general intelligence. "Why did Elon Musk open, OpenAI?
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Artificial Consciousness
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