Planning Fundamentals - the planning system established in ON came about largely through the Planning Act and related legislation.
Levels of Authority:
Federal - involvement concerning airport lands and ocean/fisher lands.
Provincial - resp. for overall provincial planning. Planning policies while delegating responsibilities to municipalities.
Municipal - resp. are set out in the Municipal Act.
Provincial and Municipal Perspectives - The Planning Act is administered by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The Act permits agencies to make decisions on patterns of land use, road networks, schools, recreational fac. and water supply.
The Planning Act - establishes the framework for planning system throughout the ON. Planning involves 2 tired structure for municipalities:
Upper Tier (region, country or district) -preparation, adoption, and revision of the official plan, and the process of dividing and development land.
Lower Tier (municipality) - preparation, adoption, and revision of the official plan, and the adoption of zoning by-laws, interim control by-laws and other by-laws.
Provincial Perspective
Provincial Policy Statement - concerns land use planning issue of province-wide interest, promotion of efficient, cost-effective development and land use patterns that stimulate economic growth, while protecting the environment and public health. Officials and approval bodies engaged in the planning process must be consistent with these statements.
One Window Planning Service - provides a co-ordinated approach that reduces duplication effort, shortens approval times, and better service municipalities, developers, registrants and others involved in the planning process.
ON Municipal Board (OMB) - an administrative tribunal that operates similar to a court of law, but with less overall formality. OMB addresses the concerns of individuals, public orgs, and corps. that object to decisions of various public authorities. The board operates under the ON Municipal Board Act. Usually involves land use and planning issues.
Municipal Perspective - 10 spheres of influence over which municipal gov. has authority: Public utilities, waste management, animals, Economic development, highways & public roads, parking, transportation, structures, culture, food control.
Impact on Listing/Selling Activities:
restrictions on the placement of advertising, signs etc.
flood control that affects properties in flood-prone areas
standards in control of noise, vibration, odour (smell)
construction of fences regulation
the placing or removal of soil and grading
energy conservation programs
the authority to enter private lands to inspect the discharge of waste
Official Plan - is designed to provide a framework for future decision making and to respond in an organized fashion of trends and influences currently experienced within that municipality. Normally extends for a period of 10 - 15 years.
Approval - the plan typically req. approval by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing before becoming official. Certain plans may not req. approval.
Official Plan Amendment - an official doc that alters the current plan due to changes in situations arisen in the municipality.
Committee of Adjustment - charged with resp. for granting minor variances in keeping with planning principles and zoning by-laws.
Minor Variance - a small or insignificant variation concerning a particular property.
Land Division Applications - regulated under the subdivision control of the Planning Act. Land division applications can be viewed from 2 perspectives: severances and subdivision plans.
Subdivision - the process of taking a piece of land and separating it into parts.
Land Severance vs. Subdivision:
if a landowner wants to divide 1 parcel into 2 or 3 - the process begins with an application to a local committee of adjustment.
if a landowner wants to divide 1 parcel into many parcels - registration involves a two-stage process: draft plan approval and final plan approval.
Consent (Severance) Process - a land severance involves the separation of land into 2 adjoining properties. The municipality would object if the consent-granting authority exceeded reasonableness in such decisions.
Making a Severance Application:
Determine Authority - contact the local municipality to determine which authority grants consents.
Complete Application - fee may apply.
Review Application - reviewed by authority.
Decision Issued - refusal, acceptance or acceptance with conditions.
Appeal Process - may be made on the ON Municipal Board.
Subdivision Draft Plan - the 1 official step by a developer in the planning process leading to a plan of subdivision. Approval body is typically an upper-tier municipality.
Subdivision Registered Plan - the final step. Must be registered in the land registry office and be in full compliance with the Planning Act. A subdivision plan # was traditionally marked by letter M.