genetics Öffentlich


jenaya russ
Kurs von jenaya russ, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende


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Gregor Mendel what did Gregor Mendel do for a living?   he researched how traits were inherited by plants  What plants did he grow?  pea plants  law of seigation?  two parts of a gene pair of alleles separate from each other in the formation of a sex cell law of assortment?  traits are passed on independent of other traits from parent to offspring   Gene Vocabs Genetics  Heredity- the physical characteristics from parent to offspring DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acids contain your genes found in the cell nucleus  Genes. the factors that control the traits you show found in your chromosomes  Traits. physical characteristics Alleles letters that represent the different forms of a gene (dimples D-present d-absent) Dominant- a strong trait that overshadows and is expressed with a capital letter recessive. this is a weaker trait that hides in the background: expressed with a lowercased letter genotype. combination of alleles ( DD Dd dd) phenotype- physical appearance of a trait (dimples/no dimples) homozygous/purebred. two alleles that share the same trait (DD dd) heterozygous/ hybrid. two alleles that are different (Dd) mitosis. cellular reproduction one cell divides in two meiosis. produces 4 sex cells sperm or egg that are used to pass a parents traits to there offspring
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Non-Mendelian Genetics Incomplete Dominance. when dominant and recessive traits are combined in the heterozygous state the result in a blending of the traits. parents have two alleles and often times inheriting those traits may result in a blending of traits. Codominance. When dominant and recessive traits are combined in the heterozygous state the result is that both both traits are expressed at the same time. Poly inheritance. When a trait is controlled by more than 1 gene and a variety of phenotypes are seen.  multiple alleles. when there are more than two alleles for a specific trait. there are 4 phenotypes for human blood: A,B, AB,O there are three alleles that you can possibly inherit from your parent:IA: Type A blood IB; type B blood I: type O blood depending on how the three alleles combine you can have one of four phenotypes of blood. IA and IB are always dominantt over I but are co dominant
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DNA resides inside the nucleus of every living cell. The shape is described as a twisted later or double helix. the sides of the latter are made of deoxyribose sugar and phosphates. The steps of the ladder are made up of matching pairs of molecules called nitrogen bases. There are 4 types of nitrogen bases: Adenine, Thymine,  Cytosine & Guanine.    Adenine ONLY pairs with Thymine.                       Cytosine  ONLY pairs with Guanine A nitrogen base + sugar + phosphate makes up a nucleic acid hence the name Deoxyribonucleic acid. In 1950 Erwin Chargraff analyzed the base pair composition of DNA he discovered That %adinine == % thymine same with the other two.  meaning there is some amount of adenine and thymine and the same amount of cytosine and guanine proving evediance that they pair with one anther.       Rosalind Franklin  Who is Rosalind Franklin She studied DNA's structure. who took over work james Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins Mighty Mincule DNA what order do these go in  cell-> chromosome-> Histone-> DNA double Helix -> DNA with nitrogen bases Meanings Cell-  The smallest structural and functional unit of an organism  Chromosome -a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic info in the form of genes Histone- any group of basic proteins found in double helix DNA double helix-a pair of parallel helices intertwined about a common axis DNA with nitrogen bases-a nitrogen-containing molecule that has the same chemical properties base   Types of Mutation  What is a mutation? a permanent alteration in a sequence of DNA that makes up a gene. The sequence is unique to what is found in most individuals platation can be so small that: they affect a single base pair or so larger that it involves multiple genes mutation can affect individuals differently depending on where they can occur and the types of proteins that are created as a result.    Deletion change the number of DNA bases by removing a piece of DNA. Inversion An entire section of DNA reversed Translocation A whole chromosome or segment attaches to another creating a hybrid Insertion Increases the number of DNA bases in a gene by adding a piece of DNA Duplication A piece of DNA that is copied one or more times
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Protein Synthesis DNA, mRNA, and transcription  In the cell's nucleus, DNAs used as a template and compiled to create messenger RNA.  travels into the cytoplasm ribosome in order to begin building proteins. tRNA And as the ribosome reads nucleotide triplet of them are in a specific T are in a molecule matches up with the sequence and carries with it a specific amino acid. The amino acid then binds to the growing amino acid chain until the mRNA message comes to a stop and protein is created DNA and RNA: What do they do all day  Replication The action of copying or reproducing something. Transcription   The process by which the information is the strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of mRNA Translation Step in protein biosynthesis wherein the genetic code carried by mRNA  is decoded to produce a specific sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain Miosis and Mitosis What is the difference between the two? Meiosis has two rounds of genetic separation and cellular division while mitosis only has one of each What happens more? Mitosis Genetic Engineering Vocab Genetic Engineering- the deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by man put in genetic material alternating the DNA to get a trait you want. Gene Therapy-  Add or Takeaway to get rid of geans to get rid of genetic disorders. Selective Breeding-Mating of two animals in an attempt to produce an offspring for a trait you purposely breed two traits to get what you want Hybridization- Crossbreeding with another species Inbreeding- To organisms that are closely related Cloning- Making an identical genetic organism Gene Splicing- Taking a gene have of one organism and putting in another gene Genetically modified food- You change the gene of a plant in order to increase production Genetically engineered Organs-  a lab grows an organ to replace a non-healthy organ in your body Transgenic Organisms-  checking an organism that exhibits that will be passed down to their offspring  Genetic Screening- a test that will identify a genetic disease Stem Cell Therapy-  Is the use of stem cells to treat a present to disease or condition.  bone marrow or umbilical cord                                                                                                                                                       ]]
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Mapping Genetic Disorders
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What is Pedigree? It's a way of tracing a traiwsat to a family tree.
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