Blended Learning for Beginners Öffentlich

Blended Learning for Beginners

Rachel Oner
Kurs von Rachel Oner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende


A demonstration course


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Welcome to this short course on Blended Learning. The course consists of:   a video a quiz a flash card revision activity a short assignment to do before the next class.   Before you start this course however, have a go at completing the self-assessment tool  about your confidence in using blended learning (courtesy of Derbyshire County Council Adult Education Services)
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Watch this video and answer the quiz that follows.
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Assignment 1 You have now learnt the principles of Blended Leaning.  You must now do some research on Blended Learning programmes which are free to use on the internet.  Bring your findings to the next class and prepare  a short presentation on these. Your presentation should be a maximum of 5 minutes.    
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