History - American West Öffentlich

History - American West

holly franko
Kurs von holly franko, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende




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1861 bought herd of cattle for required price as cattle were thin and exhaused after a long drive. 1861 gold discovered in indian territory of calorado in denver, towns grew rapidly full of gold prospectors. couldnt get cattle there because there was no railroad to denver until 1871. decided to breed and fatten the cattle on the plains 1866 bought land near denver and by 1870 had 26000 cattle 1870s beef bonanza
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created in 1866 by Charles Goodnight and Oliver Loving. them + 18 cowboys drove 2000 cattle to west to sell cattle for 4x profit compared with texas 1868 Loving returned to texas and sold remaining cattle to John Ilif goodnight continued to drive cattle to mining towns and made deal with Iliff to drive cattle to union pacific railroad to be transported east to west 1876 goodnight was successful and inspired others to use the trail
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after civil war beef in huge demand in north, cattle worth $40 each 1866 texas cattlemen took cattle to north on long cattle drives 1867 new railroad came though abilene in kansas McCoy had idea to bring cattle to abilene and put them on cattle trucks to be taken to nothern cities like chicago 1867 kansas relaxed rules about texas fever and allowed cattle drives though, used chisolm trail 1867 McCoy bought 450 acres of land in abilene near railroad. made sure chilsolm tail was marked for cowboys to reach abilene spent $5000 advertising chisolm trail 1872 3million cattle driven along trail 1867-72 abilene first cowtown mcCoy became rich
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murdered american indians forcibly removing tribes gold california 1849. people insearch of gold 49ers prospector- a person wanting to make moey from gold lack of rules/laws
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scout in civil war US marshell in some cow towns buffalo hunter killed 6 men deadly lawman
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increased violence mass migration slaves free increased travel increased trade union capital vs confederate capital (north v south) 600,000 dead 400,000 wounded
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1862 promoted settlement of west 160acre plots  claim $10 over 21, ex-slaves, ex-soldiers 80million acres were settled 60% failed 1/2 nebraska homesteaded Homesteaders isolated no medication no trees - buffalo chips weather dense roots, ploughts would break = steel ploughs 1854 self governing windmill 1870 steel blades 1873 timber culture act 1874 barbed wire
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1862 union pacific and ceteral pacific covered 2000km $32000 per mile   land grants finances-took land away from tribes lincons hopes connect and secure expansion of USA support communities and lilitary safe passage west connect east to west
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gold freedom for slaves freedom for religious people 1841-69 oregon trail main wagon route to west
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belief that gods will for white people to take contol of whole USA to make it productive and civilised
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300 migrants in 60 wagons travelled may 1846-november leaders- donner brothers why migrated west- stat new lives in california (discovery of gold) Journey rivers crossed desert rough land why failed july 1846 rocky mountians broke up group 80 migrants tried shortcut route not marked hard to follow half left because they had eaten their dead
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religious group, different beliefs travelled 1846-7 leaders- Joseph smith then brigham young why migrated west- pushed out by other groups east, 1845 joseph murdered why successful enough supplies travel guides
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land in oregon and california fertile US government wanted to help settlers farm on the plains of nebraska and kansas problems drought infertile land limited space hard ground hilly not flat
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1851 allowed migrants to travel along oregon trail safley to prevent migrants settling on indian land end fighting and raids by indians to protect indians from white settlers
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hunting constant travel status symbol
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counting coup- close enough to touch enemy with stick scalping of enemies stealing horses
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great spirit who created world everything had equal value and importance land could not be owned
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chiefs= leaders chosen for their skill, had no power warroir brotherhoods best warriors who led hunts and attacks
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10-50 families per band, each with chief and council 1824 bureau f indian affairs set up to manage the whites relations with indians
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food bladder= food bags toungue= hairbrush fat=cooking rawhide=horse harnesses, bags the hunt organised 2-3 per year warriors stampede buffale, hunt stragglers processing women and children all of buffalo buffalo dance spiritual ceremony call buffalo close and pray for successful hunt
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after civil war, beef in huge demand long drive 3000 cattle with 12 cowboys chuck wagons transport food, water, equipment 15-20 miles daily slept outside open range cattle branded cattle raised on ranches ranch-hands strict rules sod houses round-up in spring cattle and buffalo had same diet plains indians working for money
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red cloud 1822 1824 bureau of indian affairs to manage whites relations with indians 1824 jed smith discovered oregon trail sitting bull 1831 1840 government forced all plains indians to live west of a permanent indian fronteir crazy horse 1842 1843 great emigration (900 pioneers made journey oregon trail) 1849 discovery of gold in california 1851 government granted land and protection to plains indians in return for promises not to attack settlers 1851 fort laramie treaty 1854 self governing windmill civil war 1861 homestead act 1862 pacific railroad act 1962 civil war ended 1865 1866 goodnight-loving trail 1869 transcontinental railroad completed 1867-72 abiline first cow town 1870 steel blades 1873 timber culture act 1873 turkey red wheat 1874 barbed wire 1875 sulky plow
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