- slit like space
- Lined by ependymal cells
Walls of third ventricle
Anterior = Anterior column of fornix, Anterior Commissure and Lamina terminalis
Posterior = Pineal body, Posterior commissure, Commencement of Cerebral aqueduct
Roof = Ependyma connecting two thalami
Floor = Optic chiasm, Infundibulum of pituitary, mamillary body, posterior perforated substance, Tegmentum of midbrain
Latera wall = Thalamus, hypothalamic sulcus
Foramina of third ventricle
1. 2x Foramen of Monroe (connects thrid ventricle to lateral ventricles)
2. Cerebral aqeduct (Sylvian aqueduct) - connects third ventricle to fourth ventricle
Recesses of third ventricle
1. Infundibular recess
2. Optic recess (chiasmatic recess)
3. Anterior recess (vulva of third ventricle)
4. Supra pineal recess
5. Pineal recess
Other Structures of Thrid ventricle
- interthalamic adhesion
- hypothalamic sulcus
- Choroid plexus - lies in roof and hangs from the tela chorodea