How to use Wordpress Öffentlich

How to use Wordpress

Dust Airheart
Kurs von Dust Airheart, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Beitragende


This course is to show new Authors on how to write their post on the blog, how to edit, update feature images, include Bible quotes, and formatting to the standards of the blog.



This module describes what this blog is all about!
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Welcome! If you are reading this then that means that you are either considering joining my blog, have decided to, or stumbled upon this by mistake. Either way, I am glad you are here! My name is Dust, and I am the owner of His Word on Shuffle. His Word on Shuffle is a blog that I started as a means to reach people in this world who are either new to their faith or have none at all. I have been called to reach people who have wandered, as they sometimes are called. These are people who once had Faith, but turned away. There are many reasons for that, but I won't get into that here.  As long as you have heard that Jesus loves you and died for your sins then you fit into that category, at least to me.  When I ask what keeps someone form giving their life to Christ I can normally categorize it into three areas: 1. They just do not care. About God, and about what happens after death. 2. They are caught in their questions about God. For example, why is there so much pain in the world if God is all-powerful? 3. They want to but truly believe that God cannot love them for them. Either because of something they have done or something that has been done to them. Mind you, these are my personal findings and are by no means the standard. Many people do not fit into any of those categories, and that is fine! But often times, they do. If I am being honest, I do not know how to help those in category 1. I can pray, but that is all that I have figured out to do as of yet. I have a friend that is currently in category 2. He wonders how God can exist when the world is where it is today. Answering those hard questions can take time, but I try. However, people who fall into category 3 are my favourite! As weird as this sounds I love when I hear that 'God cannot love me because....'. The reason I love it so much is because I have nothing but good news for those people. If they do not believe my good news, I have examples from the Bible that back me up. So how does my blog fit into all this? Well at one point or another in my life I was in each of these categories. Music is what got me out of category 3 and into the arms of Jesus. I hear God the best through Music. It is the time when I feel like it is just God and me, and that every word I sing is meant for Him alone and I am talking directly to Him. The messages that I received in the songs are what kept me from staying as a wanderer. That is how my posts in my blog are formatted. I listen to a song that really hits home, and I can feel God speaking directly to me through it. Then I write about what I heard in a post. If you are ever curious as to what song I heard the message from the song title will always be the title of the post.  Of course, that does not mean that all the Authors of the blog do the same thing. They don't, and I do not expect them to. I created this blog so that other people can reach out through the passion of writing to reach more people than I ever could on my own. They are able to format their posts anyway that they want to.  That being said, there are certain standards that I do have for my blog. Mainly just for the layout that I have chosen, to be honest. More details will come in the lessons that follow. I encourage you to complete this course before you try to post, and to reach out on the discussions if there are any questions!
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This is just an overview of how to blog is viewed by an Author. A Video link will be put to show you. Future videos with steps will be further in this course.
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This is an overview of how the blog looks from an Authors point of view. This is used as a guide to familiarize yourself with the site. Please view the video below before you move on the to the part of the course. The video: The next part of this course shows how to do specific parts of being a member of this blog.
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