Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biochemistry Formation of Dental Plaque
- Stage 1
- Glucoproteins attach to tooth
- Sticky Pellicle forms
- Forms Matrix
- Saliva
- More Bacteria
- Sends chemical messages
- contains Bicarbonate to balance pH
- Uses glucose, broken down sucrose by bacteria
- Produces Glucans
- Cell free/Organic
- Stage 2
- Gram +ive Strep cocci (Mutans)
- Acid tollerating
- Lower pH
- Stage3
- Crevicular fluid
- Protein breakdown
- More bacteria join forming dental biofilm
- Sulpher releasing
- Fluid rich in WBC and nutrients
- Collegan breakdown.
- Favours Gram -ive and Bacilli
- Eccanella bacteria
- Breaks down Lysine
- Cells need Lysine, breaksdown into Crevicular fluid