indian wars


Mindmap am indian wars, erstellt von Mollie-Rose Dent-Davis am 05/09/2017.
Mollie-Rose Dent-Davis
Mindmap von Mollie-Rose Dent-Davis, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mollie-Rose Dent-Davis
Erstellt von Mollie-Rose Dent-Davis vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

indian wars
  1. the medicine lodge treaty
    1. 1867
      1. entended to bring peace to the area by relocating the Native Americans
        1. 7,000 Southern Plains Indians sign a treaty
          1. the first treaty was signed in October 21, 1867
          2. Sand creek massacre
            1. November 1864
              1. 24 people were killed and 52 were wounded
                1. most of them that were killed were women and children
                2. advised to camp near Fort Lyon in Colorado and fly an American flag over their camp
                3. Red clouds war and the Bozeman Trail
                  1. 1866-1868
                    1. took place in Wyoming and Montana
                      1. the Indians Burnet the forts so the Bozeman train closes
                        1. conflicted between the Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Northern Arapaho
                        2. little crows war
                          1. people had bad harvest because they were unable to get food
                            1. 10,000 people starved
                            2. 1862
                              1. the Indian Agency was attacked by Sioux Indians
                                1. Started on 17 August, 1862 and Lasted 6 week
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