What is the importance of the ciclovias?


Mindmap am What is the importance of the ciclovias?, erstellt von Turtle BR am 13/09/2017.
Turtle BR
Mindmap von Turtle BR, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Turtle BR
Erstellt von Turtle BR vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

What is the importance of the ciclovias?
  1. Bike paths are important because with them, traffic is more organized, since bicycles have space and many people walk through it, but unfortunately it is used in the wrong way, because only bikes and pedestrians are allowed and there are people who did not do this.
    1. If the ciclovias doesn’t have any organization, how we prevent the accidents?
      1. What could be done to make safety worse and avoid accidents?
        1. Why do cycling routes make transit more organized?
        2. The importance of the ciclovias is that all people do exercises, walking and cycling, but the people who are walking hinder the people who ride bikes
          1. But is that if they had people walking and people riding a bicycle on the same bike lane would not be dangerous?
            1. why do people who walk prevent people who travel by bicycle?
              1. How do pedestrians prevent cyclists?
              2. It is very important for those who use bike because it leaves with more safety for cyclists but could have more bike lanes throughout the city
                1. What kind of safety do cyclists have on bike lanes?
                2. In my opinion they are important for locomotion, but there are people who do not respect and use the wrong way, not benefiting from something that would be good for society.
                  1. What are these wrong ways?
                    1. WHY DO NOT PEOPLE RESPECT?
                    2. for me, the ciclovia is important because without it, cyclists would have no place to walk safely, but as people do not respect the ciclovia they have made it an unsafe place for all who use it!
                      1. But if the ciclovias aren’t safe for the cyclists, how we can solve This?
                        1. what can be done on bike paths ?
                          1. For you how can we make bike paths be a safer place?
                            1. Why the people don’t respect the ciclovia?
                              1. why do you become insecure?
                              2. In my opinion the ciclovia is important to society because it is a way people work out but I think cyclists should have just pay attention not to walk in the street and in ciclovias
                                1. But in our society are the bike paths respected?
                                  1. Why is it a way for people to work on the bike path?
                                    1. What if a cyclist runs over a person?
                                      1. but are bike paths a place to exercise?
                                        1. The bike paths serve only to go to work?
                                          1. what would be the prevention of people crossing the street?
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