Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Five Kingdoms
- Prokaryotes
- Have no nucleus
- Loop of naked DNA (no
chromosomes/ histone
proteins), Non linear.
- Have no membrane
bound organelles
- Have smaller ribosomes. (70s)
- Carry out respiration
in special membrane
systems called
- Have
smaller cells
- May be free living
or parasitic, some
cause diseases
- Protoctists
- are eukaryotes
- mostly single-celled
- Show a variety of forms
- Show various
plant or animal
like features
- are mostly free living
- have autotrophic
and heterotrophic
- The only thing that
they all have in
common is that they
don't fit into any of
the other kingdoms.
- Fungi
- are eukaryotes
- Have a body that
consists of Mycelium,
which is made of long
strands called Hyphae
- Have walls made of Chitin
- Have cytoplasm
that is multinucleate
- are mostly free living
saprophytic (cause decay of organic material)
- Plants
- Eukaryotes
- Multicellular
- Cellulose cell wall
- produce
embryos from
fertilised egg.
- Have
- Animals
- Eukaryotes
- multicellular
- Hetrotrophic
- have fertilised
eggs that develops
into a ball of cells
called a blastula.
- Usually able
to move