morning song-sylvia plath


Mindmap am morning song-sylvia plath, erstellt von Ericaflynn am 23/05/2013.
Mindmap von Ericaflynn, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Ericaflynn vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

morning song-sylvia plath
  1. Plaths new-born child
    1. Feels detached and seperated from her child
      1. ''Love set you going like a fat gold watch''
        1. Unusual but witty comparison,
          1. The child is valuable and precious but this is an odd simile
    2. Unusual and striking imagery
      1. The child is compared to a 'new statue'
      2. Parents confusion and disengagement
        1. we ''stand round blankly as walls''
        2. Plath compares their relationship to that of a cloud and the rain it has shed
          1. shows her inability to feel a natural maternal bond
            1. so much like ''a cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slow effacement at the winds hand''
              1. interesting metaphor
          2. loss and seperation moves to amaze and wonderment
            1. plaths 'stumble' from bed shows her concern
              1. Beautiful image of the childs 'moth breath' flickering among the flat pink roses
                1. Plath is in complete wonderment and amaze of the childs mouth ''opening as clean as a cats''
                  1. Its faint and gentle breath evokes the childs vulnerability , it sounds like a 'far sea' to the poet , very effective image
              2. The childs vulnerability makes them feel insecure ''your nakedness shadows our safety''
                1. Intese personal poem
                  1. vividly realistic
                    1. THEMES
                      1. motherhood
                        1. Mental anguish
                    2. poem ends on a very positive image of the childs notes 'rising like balloons''
                      1. Personification-the window 'swallows'' the stars as the child swallows the mothers milk
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