Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Peace Treaties
- Aims of the Big Three
- Lloyd George
- Between France & USA -
wanted Germany to be
punished but not too harshly
- Wanted to get rid of
navy as Britain felt
threatened by it
- Like Wilson, didn't
want Germany to
seek revenge
- Keen for GB to carry on
trading so didn't want to
completely destroy
- Under lots of
pressure from
British people to
get harsh treaty
- George Clemencou
- A lot of damage was done (land,
industry & people) Under pressure
from people to made DE pay
- Saw DE as threat so
wanted to cripple them
- Woodrow Wilson
- He was an idealist and
wanted to make peace
- Should not be
too harsh
Germany would
seek revenge.
- 14 points
- 1.No secret treaties
- 2. Freedom of
movement on sea
- 3.Free trade
between countries
- 4. Disarmament
- ALL countries
- 5.Colonies have
say in future
- 6. Russia free
of DE troops
- 7. Beligium is
- 8. Alsace-Lorraine
to France
- 10/12. Self-determination
for Eastern Eu & Turkish
- 11/13. Poland be independent
and serbia & PO access to sea
- 14. LoN settle disputes
- Other treaties
- St Germain - Austria
- Land - to Italy, Poland,
Transylvania to Romania,
Yugoslavia & Czechoslovakia
- Reparations not paid because
of economic collapse
- Military
of 30,000 men
- Old empire divided into small
states meaning economy collapsed
- Trianon - Hungary
- Land lost to
Yugoslavia &
- Reparations not paid
collapse of Hungary's
economy in early 1920s
meant nothing was paid
- No more than 35,000 men
- Neulley - Bulgaria
- Lost land to Greece & Yugoslavia
but gained a little from Turkey
- Paid £100 million
- Limited to 20,000 men
- Sevres - Turkey
- Lost land
to Greece
- Straits of
opened to
ships of all
- Ottoman Empire split - lots
of Turkey's old possessions
given to LoN as mandates
- Allied troops in Turkey to uphold treaty
- Lausanne - Turkey
- Uprising of Kemal against Sultan & overthrew
him. Allies not prepared to fight so new treaty
- No
- No military
- Allied troops had to leave
- Versailles
- Why Germany
hated it
- Did not agree with
war guilt clause
- Didnt agree that they
had lost war - just
agreed to a ceasefire
- Horrified that they were to lose
10% of land - all overseas
colonies - 12% population
- German
people often
lived under
foreign rule
- Couldn't
- Lost pride
- Impact on Germany
- Political
- Kaiser fled to Holland &
allies insisted on
democratic govt. (Ebert)
- Left Wing
- Communists tried to take
over & introduce Soviets
(called Spartacists)
- Ex-Soldiers called
Freikorps fought against
- Right Wing
- Used Freikorps to subdue
Communist threat. In 1920
Wolfgang Kapp tried to start
revolution but the Kapp Putsch
failed when workers when on
strike. 1923 Munich Putsch also
- Social
- Strikes &
poverty, street
crime, facists
fought in street
- Economic
- Reparations intolerable
strain on economy
- 1921 1st of £50m
- 1922 - nothing so
French invaded Ruhr to
take compensation as
raw materials
- German govt told
workers to strike -
lack of production
caused German
currency to collapse
- German govt. needed to pay workers
so printed more money > hyper
inflation so solutions were...
- New govt.
- New currency -
- Dawes Plan -
negotatiated to get
American loans - also
reparations payments
renegotiated and
French soldiers left
- What did it involve?
- LoN set up
- What Land and Who To?
- Eupen & Malmedy
- Alsace Lorraine (France)
- West
& Posen
- North Schweswig (Denmark)
- Danzig & the
Saar (LoN
Control for 15
- Germany took land from Russia in
Brest-Litovsk. Used to creat
new countries : Poland,
Estonia, Lithuania & Latvia
- Colonies given to
Britain as mandates
- Rhineland becomes
Demilitarised Zone
- Limit Forces
- army =
100,000 men
- Navy = 6
battleships &
no submarines
- No airforce
- Forbade Anschluss
with Austria
- War Guilt
Clause (DE
to blame)
- Reparations
of £6,600m