Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Internet use: Why does it harms children ?
- The internet should be restricted on children because it can
cause them to have a decrease in education, mislead behavior
and even physical consequences.
- Decrease in education
- Dishonesty
- Having others do your job
- Plagiarism
- Unreliable educational sites
- Fake information
- Childrenandtheinternet.wikispaces.com
- "Dishonesty is a very popular effect that children get while abusing the use of internet.
- Mislead behavior
- Cyberbullying
- Social
- Isolation and aggresivness
- Gaming
- Aggressive behavior
- Economics times
- In grades 3,4,5 ( Boston Elementary School ) 9.5% = victims of cyberbullying because of the internet.
- Physical consequences
- Physical health
- Avoiding physical activities
- Food advertisements
- Facebook
- Josh Patrick ( expert in psychology )
- "Physical health on children can be affected by the internet, leaving them with eye strain and obesity problems"