Chapter 15 Enzymes


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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Chapter 15 Enzymes
  1. An Enzyme is an organic Catalyst which speeds up or slows down the reaction without itself being used up (becoming part of the reaction.)
    1. Introduction
      1. Metabolism= the sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in an organism.
        1. Catabolic reaction
          1. When a more complex miomolecule is broken down to simpler forms and so releases energy.
            1. respiration and diffusion
          2. anabolic reaction
            1. converts simpler molecules into more complex (energy is consumed)
              1. photosynthesis conversion of amino acids into protein.
          3. sources of energy
            1. solar energy
              1. primary source of energy for life.
                1. producers use it to form the chemical bonds of carbs and other biomolecules. This is carried out through photosynthesis.
                  1. Autotrophs: they make their own food
                  2. Cellular energy
                    1. sources of energy that are capable of being released by reactions within the cell
                      1. each organism breaks down biomolecules in the process of respiration
                        1. heterotrophs: cannot make their own food
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