What is the importance of the ciclovias?


Mindmap am What is the importance of the ciclovias?, erstellt von João Vitor Perini am 26/09/2017.
João Vitor Perini
Mindmap von João Vitor Perini, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
João Vitor Perini
Erstellt von João Vitor Perini vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

What is the importance of the ciclovias?
  1. Cycle paths are good because people on bike can get healthier.
    1. In my opinion bike paths are good because it allows a means to go to work.
      1. Bicycle paths are also good for people to have a place in transit.
        1. In my opinion the bike paths are dangerous because there is not much lighting causing assaults.
          1. In my opinion bike paths have great influence on both motorcycle and car accidents.
            1. In my opinion bike paths are bad because many people walk instead of riding bike thus causing "accidents".
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