Healthcare Financing


Mindmap am Healthcare Financing, erstellt von andresv1 am 09/07/2014.
Mindmap von andresv1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von andresv1 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Healthcare Financing
  1. Why is Healthcare not a "normal" Service?


    •     Healthcare us bit normal because the need for HC varies tremendously. (20% of all American use 80% of the HC dollars) AND the cost of HC is very high. Healthcare has indirect costs. Third party payers  (private or public insurers) and there is a difference in providers with varying prices.     
    1. Because the supplier sets a price, typically unknown to the consumer- Not price Transparent
      1. The Need for Healthcare Varies- 20% of Americans use 80% of Healthcare Dollars
        1. Healthcare has indirect costs
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