Mr. Mohamed Passing hard time


Mindmap am Mr. Mohamed Passing hard time, erstellt von mohammed mansour am 30/09/2017.
mohammed mansour
Mindmap von mohammed mansour, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von mohammed mansour vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mr. Mohamed Passing hard time
  1. Blood supply of the heart
    1. Histology
      1. Elastic Arteries
        1. Muscular Arteries
          1. Arterioles
            1. Capillaries
              1. Venules
                1. Veins
                  1. From heart to tissues
                  2. He had
                    1. Retrosternal chest pain
                      1. Causes include: Gastrointestinal problems, Respiratory problems, Cardiac problems, & Tumors
                        1. Radiating
                      2. Angina
                        1. chest pain <20 min caused by reduced blood flow to the heart
                        2. Investigations
                          1. Blood test
                            1. For cardiac enzymes, ESR, WBC, glucose
                            2. ECG
                              1. Lipid profile
                              2. Myocardial infarction
                                1. is the irreversible death (necrosis) of heart muscle secondary to prolonged ischemia
                                  1. Signs & symptoms
                                    1. Typical intense chest pain for >20 min
                                    2. classification
                                      1. Subendocardial
                                        1. NSTEMI
                                        2. Transmural
                                          1. STEMI
                                        3. Complications
                                          1. Arrhythmia
                                            1. Heart failure
                                              1. Cardiogenic shock
                                                1. Is a condition in which a suddenly weakened heart isn't able to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs.
                                                  1. Signs & symptoms
                                                    1. • Hypotension • Absence of hypovolemia • Tachycardia • Clinical signs of poor perfusion
                                                2. pathogenesis
                                                  1. Surgical management
                                                    1. Angioplasty
                                                      1. Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is a minimally invasive procedure to open up blocked coronary arteries, allowing blood to circulate unobstructed to the myocardium.
                                                  2. Pharmacological management
                                                    1. -nitrate -beta blocker or CCBs -aspirin -Oxygen -(ACE) inhibitors -Revascularization
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