Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Reactions of Benzene and Methylbenzene
- Nitration
- Benzene + Nitric Acid
- nitrobenzene + water
- conc nitric , conc sulphuric (catalyst)
- reflux 55c
- methylbenzene + nitric acid
- 2-nitromethylbenzene + water
- conditions same as yellow
- CH3 electron releasing directs to position 2 and 4
- Reactions of Chlorine and Bromine
- benzene + chorine
- chlorobenzene + hydrochloric acid
- reflux
- Cl2 and Br2 must not be aq
- Anhydrous AlCl3, halogen
carrier, lewis acid,
- same reaction with Br2 but use anhydrous FeBr3
- other halogen carriers :
Fe, FeCl3, FeBr3
- methylbenzene + chlorine
- 2-chloromethylbenzene + 4-
chlormethylbenzene + HCl
- Anhydrous AlCl3 (halogen carrier)
- Cl2 must not be aq
- Same reaction with Br2 but use FeBr3
- methylchlorobenzene + HCl
- UV light or heat
- free radical substitution
- Same reaction with Br2
- electrophilic substitution
- Oxidation of Methylbenzene
- methylbenzene oxidises to benzoic acid
- heat under reflux
- reagents: KMnO4/ H+
- Preparation of Methylbenzene
- Friedel Crafts Alkaltion
- methylbenzene + HCl
- anhydrous AlCl3
- room temp, dry ether
- Benzene + Hydrogen
- forms cyclohexane
- nickel catalyst
- very high pressure and temperature
- addition reaction