4 There's a special part of the brain just for recognizing faces.


Der Nutzer hat seine Fachbereichs-Information gelöscht. Mindmap am 4 There's a special part of the brain just for recognizing faces., erstellt von Gelöschter Nutzer am 11/10/2017.
Gelöschter Nutzer
Mindmap von Gelöschter Nutzer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago Mehr Weniger
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

There's a special part of the brain just for recognizing faces.
  1. FFA- the Fusiform Face Area allows faces to bypass the brains usual interpretive channels and helps use identify them more quickly than objects,
    1. People with autisim don't view faces with the FFA
    2. The FFA is aslo near the amylgdala, the brain's emotional center.
      1. People decide who and what is alive by looking at the eyes.


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