Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Agricultural Revolution
- Caused by end of ice age
- Need for new source of food upon which to rely
- Population growth
- Loss of big game
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Near rivers for irrigation
- More possessions
- Focus on civilization
- Food surplus
- Specialization
- Develop technology
- Faster rate of change
- Social stratification
- Government
- Independently-developed
agricultural centers
- Middle East c. 10000 BC
- China
- Mesoamerica by 5000 BC
- Spread
- Within a few 1000 years to areas that
later produced first civilizations
- Hunter-gatherers resisted change
- Conquered
- Driven out
- Killed by disease
- Other characteristics
- Domestication
- Pigs, sheep, goats, cattle
- Improved agricultural
- Rise of pastorialism
- Metalworking
- 4000 BC
- Bronze Age
- Made farming more efficient
- More work