Anna's Out Of Breath


Mindmap am Anna's Out Of Breath, erstellt von Menna Emam am 15/10/2017.
Menna Emam
Mindmap von Menna Emam, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Menna Emam
Erstellt von Menna Emam vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Anna's Out Of Breath
  1. presents with
    1. Shortness of breath (Dyspnea)
      1. Definition
        1. Is the uncomfortable awareness of breathing
        2. Causes
          1. Acute (hours to days)
            1. Asthma
              1. RTI
                1. Lung tumors
                  1. Pleural effusion
                    1. Metabolic acidosis
            2. Sudden (Seconds to minutes)
              1. Pulmonary embolism
                1. Anaphylaxis
                  1. Pneumothorax
                    1. Chest trauma
                      1. Aspiration
              2. Chronic (months to years)
                1. COPD
                  1. Cardiac failure
                    1. Fibrosing alveolitis
                      1. Anaemia
                        1. Cystic fibrosis
            3. Wheeze, waking up at night from wheeze
              1. Causes
                1. Asthma
                  1. Bronchiectasis
                    1. Bronchiolitis
                      1. Heart failure
                        1. Viral infections
                          1. Emphysema (COPD)
                            1. Pneumonia
                              1. Bronchitis
                                1. Aspiration
                2. Definition
                  1. A high-pitched whistling sound during breathing. It occurs when air moves through narrowed breathing tubes.
              2. Asthma
                1. Definition
                  1. Chronic relapsing inflammatory disorder
                    1. Characterized by
                      1. Episodic reversible bronchospasm (air flow obstruction)
                        1. resulting from
                          1. Sn exaggerated bronchoconstrictor response to a variety of stimuli
                  2. Management
                    1. First-line drugs in treatment of asthma
                      1. Beta adrenergic agonists
                        1. Corticosteroids
                        2. Alternative drugs in treatment of asthma
                          1. Anticholinergic drugs
                            1. Anti-IgE antibodies
                              1. Methyxanthines (theophylline)
                                1. cromolyn
                          2. Pathophysiology
                            1. Bronchoconstriction, mucus production, inflammation, etc.
                              1. Increased Air way Resistance
                                1. Gas topping
                                  1. Increased Alveolar-Carbon Dioxide tension
                                    1. Hypercapnia
                                    2. Decreased Alveolar-oxygen tension
                                      1. Hypoxemia
                                        1. Respiratory Failure
                                      2. Increased Work of breathing
                                        1. Hyper-extension
                                          1. Increased Oxygen consumption
                                            1. Hypoxemia
                                2. Include
                                  1. Obstructive Lung disease
                                    1. affects the normal
                                      1. Mechanism of Breathing
                                        1. Inspiratory muscle contract
                                          1. Thoracic cavity expands
                                            1. Pleural pressure becomes more negative
                                              1. Transpulmonary pressure increases
                                                1. Lungs inflate
                                                  1. Alveolar pressure becomes subatmospheric
                                                    1. Air flows into the lungs until alveolar pressure equals atmospheric pressure
                                          2. Cough
                                        2. investigations
                                          1. Pulmonary Function Tests
                                            1. include
                                              1. Spirometry
                                                1. Lung Volumes
                                                  1. Diffusion Capacity
                                        3. Bronchiectasis
                                          1. COPD
                                            1. a type of
                                              1. Chronic Bronchitis
                                                1. definition
                                                  1. A persistent productive cough not attributable to other causes on most days for at least 3 months over 2 consecutive years.
                                                  2. Types
                                                    1. Simple chronic bronchitis
                                                      1. Chronic mucopurulent bronchitis
                                                        1. Chronic asthmatic bronchitis
                                                          1. Obstructive chronic bronchitis
                                                  3. Emphysema
                                                    1. Definition
                                                      1. Chronic lung disease
                                                        1. characterized by
                                                          1. permanent enlargement of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles (acinus)
                                                            1. accompanied by
                                                              1. destruction of their walls but without obvious fibrosis
                                                      2. Types
                                                        1. Centriacinar
                                                          1. Panacinar
                                                            1. Paraseptal
                                                              1. Irregular
                                                      3. Types
                                                        1. Atopic Asthma
                                                          1. A classic example of type I IgE–mediated hypersensitivity reaction
                                                            1. triggered by
                                                              1. environmental antigens, such as dusts, pollen, animal dander, and foods or Infection
                                                          2. Non-atopic Asthma
                                                            1. Respiratory infections
                                                              1. due to
                                                                1. viruses (e.g., rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus) and inhaled air pollutants
                                                            2. Drug-induced
                                                              1. Aspirin
                                                              2. Occupational
                                                                1. fumes, organic and chemical dusts, gases, and other chemicals
                                                            3. Her mom
                                                              1. Sylvia
                                                                1. presented with
                                                                  1. Cold, Dysnea And Cough with yello sputum
                                                                  2. Most likely suffered from
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