Neolithic Period


Mindmap am Neolithic Period, erstellt von guillermo ibanez am 16/10/2017.
guillermo ibanez
Mindmap von guillermo ibanez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
guillermo ibanez
Erstellt von guillermo ibanez vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Neolithic Period
  1. beginning
    1. Last glacial period ended aroun 8.000 BC
      1. Flora and fauna changed
        1. Human learned to sow plants and domesticate animals
        2. In the Neolithic period way of life changed completely
          1. Population increased
            1. This changes ocurred in several place at once
              1. Neolithic revolution
              2. They became sedentary
                1. They live in villages and settlements
                  1. Houses were made of mud ,wood, reeds and straw
                2. They built villages near river banks
                  1. This villages were more fertile
                  2. This develompents created new needs : crafmanship
                    1. Wicker baskets
                      1. To transport grain and food
                      2. Ceramic potts
                        1. Spindles and looms
                          1. Were used to make clothes
                        2. While ment hunt women looked after the children
                          1. Equality of the previous era was mantained
                          2. Decisions were made in meetings. The most important decisions were of :
                            1. The elders
                              1. Respected for their experience
                              2. Military Leaders ( chieftains)
                                1. This ones were more respected in periods of conflicts
                              3. Culture
                                1. Sun,Stars and water were worshipped
                                  1. Mother goddes was worshipped to increase fertility of land and to increas population
                                    1. Burials were more common they were made in cementeries and under the houses. They venerated them ( ancestor worshio)
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