Social Inequality in victorian england


charles dickens
Reynold Opoku
Mindmap von Reynold Opoku, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Reynold Opoku
Erstellt von Reynold Opoku vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Social Inequality in victorian england
  1. Lower wages for women
    1. Because they werent seen as the 'bread winner' or the dominant sex
      1. Women were given unskilled jobs
        1. Men with high social standing and royal status would be paid high amounts fortheir contribution towards society
          1. Men always dealt with the money whether if its taxes for rationing men had most contol over society
      2. Children satarted work at the age of 5 unless they were royal
        1. segregation between genders
          1. Women were allowed to attend some universities
            1. English literature was recommend for women whereas latin was suitable for men
          2. BIRTH
            1. Birth rate was very high in the victorian times because contraception was not introduce and not lots women would have careers so big familis of the poor was very popular
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