Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Identity and attachment
- Bowlby
- Theory of attachemnt
- Phase 1 birth
- 3 months
- Pays attention to
people - anyone -
looks, reaches,
- Phase 2
3-6 months
- Begins to more
responsive to mother
- Phase 3, 6
months - 2 years
- Follows mother, greets on
returnm base for exploring,
less firendly to others
- Phase 4, 2
years onwards
- Develops insight into
mothers feelings,
motives and plans
- Focuses on the mother attachement
- Primary care giver
- Secure base from which to explore
- Constructing models in our minds
about how the world works
- crucial to being able to act
successfully with the world
- Can become attached to more than one figure
- Not all babies developed attachments
- Secure attachements lead to
less crying and content to
explore in presence
- senstivivity to babies signals developed more
mutually satsifying relationships
- Insecurly attache infants cried
more and explored little
- attachment depends on the skill and situation of the primary carer
- forming Attachments is
the first step on learning
about themselves
- Different attachments used in different ways
- Develops the ability to be
flexible and adaptable
- From attachements understanding of
- own self
- famiily member
- world around them
- ther rplace with the world
- Scripts and stories
- Assocation
- sketch out generalised squences of actions
- develop gradually
- Pieces together experiences
- Stable representations -
core elements stay the
same but another level
on analysis changes with
age and experinces
- can be fragmented/distorted
- Attachment to identity development
- Attachment
- Secure base
- Exploration
- Internal working model building
- Enter text here
- Restricted opportunties
- Family break ups
- inadequate parenting
- identity may
seem weakly
defined and